575S Outdoor Dining Armchair

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Delivery time: Special order

Design  Neri & Hu
Manufacturer  De La Espada
Made in  Portugal
Materiality Black Oiled Oak 
Dimensions W 57cm x D 62cm x H 79 cm (Seat height 44.5cm)
W 22 2/5" x D 24 2/5" x H 31 1/8" (Seat height 17.5")

The 98.6°F Outdoor Collection is named after the body temperature we take for granted as "normal" which is in fact our bodies' highly calibrated ability to balance between a temperature too high or too low.

The furniture collection is also deceptively simple in its outward appearance: it is a versatile yet modest collection of wooden chairs and tables for everyday use that has great tectonic sophistication.