Kami Mug

Article code P-1453
Kami mug made of Castor Aralia wood, shaped using a lathe and coated with a food safe resin.

Design  Oji Masanori
Hidetoshi Takahashi
Made in Hokkaido, Japan
Dimensions H 7.8cm x W 10.8cm x D 8.5cm
Colour & Materiality  Castor Aralia wood

Kami means paper, and the Kami mug is hand-crafted in a workshop in Hokkaido, Japan by a single artisan, Hidetoshi Takahashi. The cup is made from Castor Aralia wood, shaped using a lathe and coated with a food safe resin.

Wood makes an incredible natural insulator, and this cup will keep your coffee or tea hotter longer.